
Four video laryngoscopes, worth 168,000 lei, arrived today at the Institute of Emergency Medicine from Chisinau

On July 17, 2020, the members of Rotary E-Club Moldova International made an important donation to the Institute of Emergency Medicine (IMU) – 4 video laryngoscopes, worth 168,000 lei. The IEM is the 4th beneficiary of the international project Global Grant “For them, those who take care of us” worth over 1 million lei.
The equipment is extremely important in treating critical patients suspected or confirmed with the new COVID-19 virus.
The management of the hospital brought sincere thanks to the donors, explaining to them how hard the work of the doctors is during this period. “We have been involved for several months in a very complicated process of saving human lives. We fight for the good of all, we work in extremely difficult conditions, but the positive thoughts, the donations that came from good people like you, increase our hope that we will defeat this invisible virus “, said Mihai Ciocanu, IEM director. “The use of video laryngoscope is indicated in all national and international treatment guidelines and protocols for critical patients, in terms of rapid, accurate orotracheal intubation, even in difficult cases, having as advantages both in the minimal risk of contamination of medical personnel handling airway of COVID-19 patients, as well as ensuring optimal oxygenation of the patient with severe hypoxemia.
Thank you for this important project for our society” Mr. Ciocanu also mentioned.

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