Full Name
District 2241: Rotary E-Club of Moldova International
127, Stefan cel Mare si Sfant ave., ap 1, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova
Our E-mail
Rotary E-Club of Moldova International was founded on November 19, 2019 and is the first diaspora e-club in the 2241 district representing Romania and the Republic of Moldova. The e-club has 27 Moldovan / Romanian members established temporarily or permanently in more than 8 countries like France, Belgium, Azerbadjan, Spain, Italy, United Kingdom Romania, Albania. Thus, Moldovans from all over the world can work together in the same international e-club to contribute to the development of the Republic of Moldova through cultural, educational, social and charitable projects. The club meets online once every 2 weeks and organizes off-line meetings in one of the e-club members’ countries of residence every 3 months. At the moment, the e-club is constantly expanding bringing together young specialists from most fields of activity such as the academic environment, national and European public administration, business, health, finance, telecommunications, music, show-biz, etc. The members of Rotary E-Club of Moldova International work in diverse international corporations, as well as they are founders of NGOs with national impact, they are public officials in institutions such as the European Commission, the European Parliament, the OSCE, they run their own innovative business, etc.